Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

40 for R.nt 407 JviUrrt IftZ. Oupltxt DuidiMi fliL 4U for iMt W.SALEM TOWNHOUSE ipacious VH it. old 2 bdrm. II xjth, Appls, Prl. deck.

Single residential area an Salem Elec. 2220 -Ola Dr. NW. No pets. $285 dep.

)63-1206, 371-790? 3 BR SOUTH 025 00 plus deposits. Has garden xeo lots ot storage built-in vacuum 4 fireplaces. Call Bob Toney 585-2111 or 362-8874 eves. SANTANA VILLAGE bdrm. SE.

ww carpets, ga--oge, elec. frplc- WD hookuo, prl. 3oTlo, coble TV avail. Plenty ot storage, small pel or I child OK. t240mo.

refynd. decs. 581-8507. Newer 1 bdrm 4 Plex, W. Solem, In, carpet, drapes, appls, otergarb pd, coble TV avail, on jus line, odults, no pets, $175 HOP ftt, 361-9961.

DELUXE DUPLEX 2 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse big living room wbrick frplc luclous carpet 4 oppls, carport. Fenced Dock yd. $250 ($10 discount II paid bv lst.l $50 deo. 393-9288. GARDEN DUPLEX 1 bdrm garden duplex immaculate.

All apollances In kitchen wnook. No pets or children 70. per month 1111 Fir St S. (Behind 1171) 399-0120. ACROSS FROM SHOPPING CENTER.

KEIZER. SALEM ELEC. 1 2 bdrm. opts. Stove, carpet, drapes, some wDW or WD.

Lots ot storoge. 1 story. Lrg. yard. No pets.

TJ15 Call 393-1136. Beautiful lge 2 bdrm duplex, near northside ot downtown Salem, 4) vrs old, fully carpeted, attach. gartrplc, WD hkup, lge country style kit retrig, ronge, DW, dlsp patio, avail. Feb. 23.

Shawn by nppt, only 585-4321. 399-0352 QUIET ADULT LIVING Newer 2 bdrm duplex garage. Inside utility, range, dishW, Wgar, no pets. South, near K-Mart. 8250.

Call Bea 399-0412. IN MONMOUTH Lge 2 bdrm, DW, garb. disp. WO hkup, carport, close to tennis. Polk Co.

housing approved. 3M-1698. 743-2870 local 3 BEDRM DUPLEX Single cor goroge, continental bath, Inside utility room, all oppls. $285 per mo. Call Ray C.rwkh"um 585-5105 or 585-6898.

HUU Court McNARY REAL ESTATE INC. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 393-6013 After 6pm 390-1900 3853 River Road N. Bedroom. lVi Both McNary View Estates. Rent $295 3 Bedroom, 2 Both duolex Rent $325 2 Bedroom, 4 plex Rent 19S 2 Bedroom, 1 Both duolex Rent $225 3 Bedroom.

1V Both Mcnorv Vw ft'otes. Rent $125 LG2-BDRMS. Deluxe kitchen wullt. rm. dropes Quiet area, pleasant neighbors Poolprivate patios On Bus route to shopping Coble avail.

well monoged $220mo dep 378-1524 DELUXE TIMBERVIE WVIILAGE DUPICXES 12 mi ot McNory Golf oft Wheatland Rd. Follow Signs Large 2 bdrm wgaroge, attic storoge. all opplcs Inside WO hookup. Insulated windows, gas heat Yard maintained. Water 4 garboge paid 1264 4 up dep.

ALSO oots. In orea 488-1900, eves wknds 364-1406. 3 BDRM DUPLEXES Single cor garage, dishwasher, ronge refrigerator, garb. disposal ft instont hot woter dispenser, large bdrms. Ilv rms.

ft dining areas $200 per mo. goroge, woter. ft sewer pd. Call Roy Creek-bourn 58 5-5105 or 58S-W. R1QNER SKYUNE VILLAGES.

4-plei Set this spoclous 3 bdrm. oot. WO hookup. boths, oil Appls, dropes, cor pets, enclosed polio FREE Coble TV. $2S3mo.

10 minutes from downtown Sol em. Near schools, shopoing ft bonks. Children welcome. No pets please 370-7441. Walker Moripw nc.

Realtors IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Keller area Duplexes. 2 bdrm, I both, living rm, dining, kitchen, washer dryer hookup In go-rogesonge, ref, dishwasher, garbage disp. single cor goroge No children under seven, no pets. $75 non-refundooie fee, t25 key deposit, 6-months leas. $240 per mo 393 1371, SUPER DUPLEX Completely redecoroted, brick wmohogony woodwork, new deluxe carpeting, new new point.

125 s. I. 2 bdrm, both ft shower. Recently landscaped Very aulet area. Adult, no pets.

$300 mo. lease. 1st ft last od-vonce 100 cleaning dep. Bob Air. 37182 or 363-9141, SUPER DUPLEX Completely redecorated, brick wmohogony woodwork, new deluxe carpeting, new oppls.

new point. 125 s. I. 2 bdrm, bath ft shower. Recently landscaped Very quiet area.

Adult, no pets. G00 mo lease. 1st 1 tost In advance '00 cleaning dep. Bob 2 BDRM DUPLEX WFRPLC. Goroge.

toundry foci I 8265ma. 1625 Morket St. 1 bdrm. turn. opt.

Woter, lc. gorboge 1 coble TV paid Laundry rm. $190m. 411 mh St. SE I bdrm unturn Laundry tacit, pets O.K.

$l0me. 139 Market Coll 3904724 IT ALL YOURS Beoutifut Townhouse style, 2 bdrm oot lor $18. FREE VIACOM TV service ALL opplcs. mcl Dishwasher Paid wtit. except elec phone; SAUNA BATHS, swim pool, potios.

i.mxtroiCalLj'fcyil 11500 Large two-bedroom, new point, new dropes, sparkling clean thruout Close to Chemeke-ta Children permitted -ng pets, please. Cott Mr. Kent. 364 5802 Eroprtv MgrsmentDepL Delate Bdrm townhouse. Close-m SE I1 both WD hookup.

Disposal, carpeted. DW, tented bock yd. Lg upstairs covered Quiet I bdrm. dweCT.gor, (L patio, new rug. no pets.

$235 Sep 1 txk off River Rd. across tmm Ke'rer Cinema. See this Lge newer 2 bdrm deiww town-. house cis m. fric VVd hkUP.Cotrt TV 4 stirr-e.

3 BDRM HOME iYou will enlov this almost nw llovely horn in NE Salem. Malor appls. dbl car gor. yard. WftD hkup, carpet-drapes, no pets, $350 It pd.

on tlm. 399-7929 Forrest P. pommon a o. inc. Ktoiiun.

Contemporary deck house, day- iiu. hlnli hMm rillnas. ivlew ol Ml. Hood ft golf course. 3 Ibdrm.

Lg. rec. rm. AC. self clean-ling oven, DW, WW carpet, garden plot, storoge shed.

Private area NW. Adults only. Rets. $365 Los dep. 367-0850.

CHEAP RENT $170 per month for a 2 bedroom one both with a lull basem*nt on the creek ond close to town. This horn Is ratty but you can't beat the price, besides I might take 'nets. Coll Rich at 364-6875. Kelier: 2 houses avail. Feb.

1st. Both 3 bdrm. 2 bath, torn. rm. storm drs.

ft windows, frplc. fenced yd. Clos to school. Lots ol storage. On Is $375 $150 dep.

ft oil heat. 2nd hos 2 trplcs. Salem Elec. Goroge, Shop. S4H1, $200 dep.

393-2981. NE NORTHWOOD PARK. Rent or lease, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, family room 2lireploce, large RV parking space, large fenced rear yard in a very fine neighborhood. Rent $415 and ovolloble Feb 1st. Call John or Chuck at 364-6875 or 379.9657.

NEW DELUXE 3 Bedrm, 2 both, Ilv. rm. family rm. Energy efficient, wood burning stove, fenced yard, room for garden. $390.

399-1919. 2 YR OLD CONTEMPORARY Vaulted wood ceilings, skylights, fireplace, 3 bdrms, 2 boths, walk to Foye Wright school. $395 mo. dep. No pets.

371-7909. Eves: 364-8574. Burke Reolty. AVAILABLE 21 3 BR. 2 ba, formal dining, family rm.

wfirepkxe, inside utility, dbl garoge, carpets, drapes, 3 vrs old. good area south. mvTltv an Call 364-7819. SUPER LOCATION Warm, coiy 3 bdrm. home In S.

Solem. Private fenced yd. Frplc. carpeting, full kitchen appls. $325 dep.

Rets. req. 364-7468 veswkends, 3 Bdrms 2 baths In nlc So. orea on aulet cul-de-sac. Built In appls.

including trash compactor. Frplc. In family rm. Additional off street parking sparkling clean. $390 mo plus Coll 585-2111 or 379-1329, Natural setting, Salem.

Secluded, next to school park. 2 story, 3 bdrm horn extra rm. 2 baths, living rm wfrpl, formal dinning wdeck. Franklin stov In family rm. Utll room ft car port.

Avoll Feb 1. $400 per mo. Coll 364-9803, NEWER 3 bdrm, 2 bath horn, torn, room, 2 car gar, 2 trplcs, carpeting thruout, all elect, located In new horn aro, on a cul-de-sac. $375 mo. 1st.

ft lost. $100 fee. Leas Is possibl. otter 6PM. 746-7286 Eugn.

3 bdrm, 2 bath. Lrg fenced yd, carpeted thruout, frplc. 370.7650. SUNNYRIDGE HEIGHTS I bdrm, separate tarn rm with frplc. 2 full baths, $390 $100 fee.

Drive bv 4755 Talisman So. ft tien coll 362 8475 BRAND NEW bdrm home, located south, double garoge, FA gos heat. $309 $100 lie. $703, 5713, 5722, 5732 Candy Flower Ct- Call 32 8475. MUST SEE 1 bdrm house, double car garoa, 2 baths, carpel, ft drapes throughout, appliances Included.

Coll M'-yPI. Near CCC In beautiful Jan Re area. Obi. gor. landscaped yard.

2 full boths. auollty woodwork ft coroets. Coll 390-7457 or 371-9765 S0UTH-4 BEDROOM Newer home, country kitchen, carpets, dropes, woodburnlng stove, on cul-de-sac, $385. 581 1792.364-5851 NEW 3 BEDROOM SE fi bath, dbl gorog. fireplace, formal dining.

$350 plus $100 dee. 364-8653 before am, oftor 5pm. Anvtimt wekends. KEIZER, SALEM ELEC. Clean 3 bdrm home single garoge.

Carpets, kitchen stove, 3 children welcome, no pets. 8275 $130 dep. 581 328. Lrg 3 bdrm, NE. Frplc, carpet.

WD hookuo, na pets. 8285 dep. 39 9776 3 bdrm. bath, torn. rm.

frplc. oppls, carpet, drapes. No pets. 8050 dep. 581 7881.

vs 393-9015 Clean gtder 3 bdrm. $250 Refer-ences af tc" 34-7836 party Jan Re NE. 3 bdrm. 2 both, 2 fprlcs new carpet, na Kt8i.eoHj40Q 2 BDRM. W.

Solem, $77. no pets. On Solem Elect. 399 419 days, 843 2291 Sheridan after 6PM. Dottos 5 bedroom hous at 1463 SE Miller.

8375 mnth. Call 393-4854 after Spm. SE 3 Bdrm, 2 both hem, clos fa schools, fend yd gasheot, storm A SINGLE'S HOUSE-Studla tvo. Prlvat and In goad r'gn-bartwod 4, $l60aaJg0SS, 3 bdrm, both. Sunny Ridge HH, odpIcs, 2 frpics, vacuum sw ft j7H7.

NEW SOUTH 3 BEDROOM $295 To $325 2 Baths, torn room wfrpl. kitchen with dishwasher 4 range, WW carpets 4 drapes, fully Insulated, dbl. gar. $150 dpst. $50 pet dost.

362-8011 or 749-2538 local. SAVE TIME, SAVE GAS Houses Aprs. Duplexes Mobiles 2 bdrm. Kid. Pel.

Big lot. $210 2 bdrm. Frplc. Kid. Pet.

$225 1 bdrm. N.W. Kid. Pel. $165 3 bdrm.

Bsmt. Kid. Pet. $250 4 bdrm. Kid.

Pet. Frplc. $350 Renter's Guide 378-0571 745 Harris E. $20 Fee 2 months serv. Landlord's listings tree.

CONTEMPORARY SOUTH 2 vrs old near shopping, bus ft schools. 3 bdrms, 2 boths, large kit 4 dining area, stove, retrig. DW, disposal, gas furnace ft water heater, carpet, drapes ft waodstove, 2 car oarage, patio, deck, fenced yord ft garden soace, 2768 Summer SI SE, $425tdeo. 363-8291 eves 4 wknds. 5 BEDROOM 2 bath, large utility, close In SE.

$450 dtps. Call 399-0470. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, frplc. oppls, dbl goroge. NE, WW carpet thruoirt.

All curtains ft dropes, rel's. No pets, $360 dep. E. JOSEPHINE GRAHAM. Realtors.

585-1003. RENTLEASEOPTION NE Newer 3 bdrm, 2 bath wtlre-ploce, family room $350 Deo Call 371-8014362-2582 Glennle Property Investments, 2 BR, 1 ba, deck. Ig. goroge, earth stove. 362-7785 3 BDRM.

HOME ONLY $275 5 ml. E. of Salem. Rets. dep.

39941120; 363-1569 eves. 2 bdrm nous wtrplc, gas heat, ooroae. Very nlre. coll 364-7383 SILVERTON 1 bdrm house, very cleon, located )Q2 Pine. $190 mo.

364-7383. CUTE COZY COMFORTABLE 2 bdrm horn, fam rm, stov. mo. Call 399-0135 3 bdrm homes In South Solem, all baths, rang ft DW, $340 ft $350 flennsll all 371 1277. 3 bdrm.

2 bath, frplc In din. rmJ torn. rm. 2 cor garoge, $400mo. $100 cl.

dep. Adults, no pets. H. 47i-ff8 eveswknds McMlnn. SKYLINE VILLAGE Bdrm, 2 BA ww, apple frplc tm rm.

dbl. gor. fncd. $360mo ve 4 wknds. 363-6520 3 bdrm, 2 bths, lamlly room.

Frplc. built-lns. Nicely dec. Unfurn. Iron wood Estates.

$400 DoHon. 364-1153 4 BR, 2 BA conl. Irplc. wood-stov 2 decks So. near schl.

ft park. 2 dbl gor. nice nlghbhd. sii-WH. wknd.

SE NEW 3 bdrm, 2 baths, trplce, landscaped, stove, ret. Incl. No f'i, 585-1676 eves, 3 BR, 2 BA, Ig shoded vord. Solem Elec. FP wheotolator, FA furnace Near sehls, bus.

$375 mo 367-6170 oft 3pm. Avail 130. Clean 2 bdrm house cor port, stov, retrig, ltc hat, LR grapes ft area carpet, no pets pis, 1 Qk, 82,35 8100 dep. 363-0700. Exc.

2 bdrm. Frplc. storms, tres, deep well. 13 oe. Ideal for working couoie.

No dogs. NE Salem. sjSp, 635.7166 Lok Oswego. MADRONA HILL W. Solem, oo-prox 2000', 1 bdrm, 2 bpth, oil aopls.

Including WD. $400 $150, rets, 363-9303 eves, or wknds. Smotl 2 bdrm. W. Solem.

Sm. yd. Salem Etec. Redecoroted. No go-rage Garb pd.

$235 $100 sc. ft cl dep. Call 378-1237 Energy efficient 3 bdrm. 2 both country home. Waodburning stove, in Jetferson Sen.

dlst. Hm Los. 327-2719 Lrg 4 bdrm. 1 bath, WW carpeting. Meal lor 3 persons.

8325 per mo 1443 Commercial St SE. 171735, 3 4 bdrm. nwly rmodlo hous. gorog. WD hookkup.

2 piks. Loncoster Mall. $330. Avoll. ENGLEWOOD AREA.

1 yr. ld horn. 3 bdrm. 2 baths, dbl gar. fenced yd, aulet dead end street, 8350 mo.

511 5267. Coiy 2 bdrm. carpets, drapes, appil, garoge. fncd. yd.

Bsmt. $300 TefT dep. Coll 378-2741 Kelfer area, extra tg 2 bdrm, I both horn, huge fam rm wwood stove, fncd yd, Salem Elec. $350 jLjBj5MjfJXBnL Spacious East Solem 3 bdrm wcontinentlol both, sunken Hv rm wfrplc, lge torn rm, fncd yd, 362-1566 gfl 8 pm. Far Rent; 2 bdrm.

home. Keirer area. Salem Elec. $300 a. dep.

Avail. February 7th. Post. 2 hrtrmgll 588-0279 oft. 4 pm.

2 bdrm house, carpeted, no pets, deo, ret $245. 2 odults ft child max Drive by 870 18th St SE. I New Homes No kg. bdrm, both, Hv. fam.

rm wood stove, dbl. gorog. 371-1412, 5814877. 3 borm home wfrpl yard. KetJtt, $275 -f VSfldp.3?u-2Z3m.

1 KXM hous wfrpk, mo. HOOdpd, Cefl3M-0m. 1 3 bdrm. howes gyoil now. St.

I rjrd.CaR74S 1 KEIZER NEWER 3 BDRM Family rm, lvi boths, DW, ronge, dbl garage, near Kennedy Elem, 1945 Allendole. $345 dep. Avail fob 1. Call 378-7157 for QDPt. 4-BEDRM-FENCED N.

Large deluxe ncwr fam rm wfrplc, AC, 2 bath, dbl gar near schools, Wllark Park, $479. Days 581-7276. Eves 393-0894. 363-3641. NEWER 3 BDRM NE IVj bo, family rm, frplc carpet, drapes, lullv insulated, dbl garage.

Fenced yd, no pels, $325 mo. deo 4 ret s. 362-9996 oft 4 pm. KEIZER AREA 3 BR, 2 bath, FR, DR, frplc dbl garoge wouto doors, swimming 4 rec facilities ft much more. $39SrefS.

Avail Feb 1. 393-4708, $225 2 Bdrm, very clean, near bus, odults, no pets. 1925 Beach NE. Inquire at office 1940 Lona Ave NE. Call 581-4679 LANCASTER ft Hayesvlll areo-3 bdrm, 2 baths, lorn, room, double garage, $365 mo.

Rets, ft dpsts. required. Call Jerry at 390-3337 or 393-5648 eves. ERA Star Realty. 2 Bdrm NE, near Englewood Schl.

lge kit. wdlnette, utll. rm. stov. retrig, gas heat, 2 blks from Market St.

$245 mo 1st ft lost dep. ft rets. Call 982-1010, 9B2-2766 Wdbn CLOSE SE NEAR BUS LINE Neat 2 br, clean, carpeted, dropes, oppls, plenty of storage. Garage, rm for garden. Close to stores.

2 adults, no pels, ref 's. $290 $100 dep. AvallFeb 1. 393-734. 3 bdrm.

house in aulet S. Salem neighborhood, dead-end street. stove. WD hookups. Laundry rm.

Fncd. bock yd. No pets. Ref's rea d. $100 refun.

cln. deo. $295. Call 588-2321 or 362-8347 Solem $250. 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, part, turn, newly decor, on bus line, near shopping.

Cleaning fee $100 security $125. Rets. Applications being occepted. $73-4487 Scofts Mills CONTEMPORARY, ACRES NEAR TURNER. 2000 sq ft.

3 bdrm, 2 oarn, near pump, $450 dtp. 371-7565. TRIAD INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE SKYLINE VILLAGE SOUTH, newer 1 bdrm, 2 bath, dbl cor garage, patio, garden area No pets. $325. 362-1388.

OLDER-3 bdrm. I'i baths, full basem*nt, hurry on this one at $325 ma. Rets, ft deosts. required. Call Jerry at 390-3337 or 393-5648 rrti A BMity, CLOSE IN CUTE 2 BDRM Newly remod.

carpeted, opplcs. 12 blks to Capitol, near bus. Poss. sm, net. $270 dea.

371 1622 2 NEWER, VERY CLEAN 3 bdrm. l''j bath, fam. rm. frplc. oppls, carpet, dropes.

No pets, yipi dn 581-7881: eves 393-9015 NEWER COUNTRY HOME 1 BR, 2 brh, dole gar. WW carpet, drapes, stove, ret. garden, $ATQ, Vnstfleo 634-2392 Wdbrn. KEIZER" 3 BEDRM 2 Bath, lamlly room, dbl gorog, lenced yard, $350 plus deposit. SALEM ELEORIC Lg 3 bdrm.

2 both horn wdbl. goroge. $375. Need refsJeonn rWi 399-W93, 3 BDRM HOUSE, frplc, lorg living room, 2090 Church St. E.

$285 tfPlt. 362 0906. IN COUNTRY 1 Bdrm mobll home, on 4 Acres, private, fncd, nlc vlw, $350 frf, Rrt, jtoyton area. 7695939 3 BEDROOM Close kt, frplc, dining room, lorg utility room, 255 mh. St.

NE, no IT'liffli NEW EXECUTIVE HOME Cul-d-soc, SE, llr trees, wood-stove, 2000 sq ft, lease rnt I Bdrm, NE, Ig fncd yd, frplc. refrig ronge. walk to shopping ft bus, $270 mo. $200 sec. dep.

$5 mo. toword lost ma. rent Colt iTt-TI 'frfi ft Mon-Frl. 3 bdrm, gorog, fencttt back yard. Oca laJausJ-E 1300 ma.

364 60 1 7. Nwt 3 bdrm, torn rm, 2 both, hwctd yord (fclgcrog t3BS 3o? 4 BDRM SALEM ELECTRIC $410 bv 1st. No pfs. 390-0555 14x7 Marietta ham, 2 bdrm. I bath, lge kitch AC, owning, yard, I bdrm.

lrg. fncd. yard, garage, bsmt, no pets. 171 Summer NE. cl.

fee. Coll 363-3316 New 3 bdrm ham wfrplc, south Salem, rent or leas option, $315 $150 deo. no pets. 364-0648 Brand new deluxe 2 bdrm, wood stove, close SE, 829 dep. 364-6871 or 399-1667 i Bdrm, on cut-d-soc.

2 car gor. newly pointed, na pets, $30 or wknds. Nearly new 1 bdrm, 1" bath, trplt, dep 4174 Vernon or 398890 A BIT OF COUNTRY Behind this 2 br hous SE. Fenced yd. dbl gar.

W7y iw. Carpeted 2 bdrm an lrg let, clos te Loncoster Mall. $725 dea. I child only, ref's req. 399-0550 Cute ft clean 2 bdrm, corset ft hiwoodtlOT.nlng rea.

Sunny 2 bdrm, ww carpel, arcrfes, utH. rm, smott yard, na children, nf pett, j88-i8t McNARY REAL ESTATE INC. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 393-6013 AFTER 6 PM. 390-1900 5 Bedroom. 2 baths, S.

area. Rent $325. 3 Bedroom, 2 baths, Off Silverton Rd. Rent $400 3 Bedroom, 1 bath. Oft Silverton Rd- Rent $350 2 Bedroom, 1 bath Off S.

Commerclol-Rent $300 3 Bedroom, 2 barns Cordon Rd. or eo-Rent $375 3 Bedroom, Continental bath Rent $385 3 Bedroom, 2 baths Beautifully furnished Rent $405 4 Bedroom, 2 baths Jon Ree area-Rent $450 FOR RENT 2336 Wain Creek S. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, lirealace, family room, bullt-lns. Brand new executive type home.

$375 deposit. 1462 4th N.E. 1 bdrm, newer 4-plex, oppllances included. $175 deposit. 1975 Beach 2 bdrm.

I bath, appliances. Salem Electric. $195 deposit. 3040 Keen E. I bdrm, duplex.

Range, utility roam, garage. $185 deposit. 3837 Portland Rd. E. No.

3. 1 bdrm duolex. $165 deposit. 1906 Hajel E. 1 bdrm, 1 bath, frplc, basem*nt.

Nice older neighborhood. $265 deposit. ELDRED HOMES, INC. 581-3549 NEWER 3 BDRM HOMES NEAR Bl MART SO Inquire 5555 Shonnon SE $275 i $285 3 bdrms. dbl.

garages Dbl pan windows Well Insulated 3 blocks from cltv bus Individul yards Fenced patio area acre park area: Baseball dlam. ball ct. ennls court Carpet 4 dropes Disposol. ronge RV storage $5 mo. some coble No more thon 2 children.

NO PETS oleose. 3635279, 378-7421, 3 bdrm 2 story horn, frplc, lrg. tot, garden area, no aopls. $250 mo dep. 2255 4th St.

NE Very nice, kg bdrm torn rm, frplc, dbl garage, range, refrig. DW. $400 mo dep. 497 49th Av. SE 1 acre Turner orea.

Comfortable, lrg home. 3 bdrms, rang, garage, 1 horse stall, $400 ma deo. Shown bv app. only. Older 2 story, bdrm 2 room.

Cleon, yord, garage, ronge No pets $295 mo dep. 1210 Sprue NE Call Ann or Lovonne J99-7543 Century 21 Mid State Reolty C. B45 Commercial St NE DELUXE NEWER HOMES 2 4 4 Bdrm. custom auollty. FomRm wflreoloce.

Homes. 1300 to I960 Sq. Ft. Separate entry, formal living 4 dining rooms, eating bars, 2 baths, sunken rms, beam ceilings, poneling 4 papers, carpeted, draperies, dbl garages. Beoutllully decorated 4 landscaped.

2 prestigious, close to Khools-shopoing locations N-NE. Max. children, sm. pet considered. Only $379 4 up.

Call weekdays to se what's available. 581-7276 DON SATTER CUSTOM HOMES II no answer coll 393-0894. 3W" ARKANSAS ENERGY EFFICIENT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE FOR RENT 1273 Sceptor 2 bdrm. I both, bullt-lns deposit. 4613 Windsor Way 2 bdrm.

I both bullt-ms $295 deposit. 5551 Beechwood 2 bdrm. 2 bath bullt-lns $345 deposit. 5547 Fernbrook S. 3 bdrm.

IVi bath, bullt-lns $345 deposit. Savg those neat bills New homes, never been lived In. CALL NOW 581-3549 2 Homes Availabi Sou New bdrm 2 both homes A opts, dbl garoge, energy efficient wood stoves. Call 171-1412; J8i WL 2 bdrm. Kelfer.

Sngl. gorog. appliances. Solem Elec. Zoned CR.

$300me 395 Cherry Ave. NE. Coll Hor km Ferry 33-2872, eves Newer SE 1 bdrm, 2 both, frplc. gas FA heat, kit opplcs, carpel ft dropes, coble TV. elec, gor.

dr. opener, shown by apot. only. $35f Newer SE 2 bdrm, I both, frplc, pro FA heat, kit. apples, core! ft coble TV, carport, shown bv ooot only.

$285 ma. in- $95. Call 399-0183 Rent teas newer 1 bdrm home, en acreage. Brush College orea, 3 both, bsml, wood sov. ocspAckOK.

8o88 ma. fe msv wm vow out vow ortver- fvng mnsage to CtossUftCd. CH KEIZER AREA, 4 bdrm duplex, lMi baths, gas, woter. heat ft range, W'D hookup, $325 mo. 399-8384.

Close In, 2 bdrm, 4-plex. Frplc, carpet, frig, disposol. Water garboge pd. No pets. $225 mo den Coll 393-9127.

SE Trl-deluxe, 2 bdrm, IVj bath, WD, DW. refrlg, range, frplc, ot-toch. gar. no pets. $250 dep.

rmi 364-5151. 33-400. I Bdrm, side by side, cleon, $175 dep. (lose in. Coll 364-3532 Studio opt near Willamette Furn, wotefoQorboaepd.tl35.

363-0881. Cute cozy 1 bdrm. Close-in. Carpeted. Range ft refrig.

Incl. Adults, no pets $155. 364 8802. Spocious 2 bdrm. South.

Fireplace, oil oppls. included. 1 child OK Kin nets. S235. 364 8802.

Deluxe 2 bdrm, garage, oppls, drapes, carpet, Salem Elec. WD hookup, Irplc 585-9883. 3 bdrm duplex, 835 Hawthorne NE, $225mo. 2 children, no pets, 743.2048 local 1468 4th NE Newer 1 bdrm 1 bath 4-plex very roomy appliances Included $175019 deposit 581-3549. Nice 2 bdrm duplex SE, water, gorboge pd.

odults, no pets, 8175. 11I8 Cleon, quief 2 bdrm. duplex On Bus. Appls Carport, Utility. No pets.

8220. 3990578. Duplex tor rent. $295 per mo. $100 dep 2 bdrm, t'6 baths.

Near Che- "fktP 585-7346 Duplex. 2 bdrm, NE, on Salem Elec. $150 dep. $275 per mo. 3 bdrm duplex 4C, Lorge LR-DR, utility rm, garage, cont.

both, op- pimnces, 8260. 371-1160, Richly styled 2 bdrm SE, opplcs, oar. WftD hkup, $220 $120 dep. LYONS. 2 Bdrm duplex, ronge, retrig, corpet, gar.

close to grode trhl 859-2617 Lyons 2 bdrm. 3237 Beacon NE. off Sil-verton Rd. NE. $160 mo $100 dep.

Aoilts pretered. 371 3815. 2 bdrm unfurn. $195dep. Apples, WD hkups, near Loncoster Moll, 1 tjhllcj ffk.

no pets. 362-2374. 2 bdrm apt In 4-plex. SE Salem. Freshly pointed brand new Trrff1 m-P "-s 2 Bdrm townhouse, all appls, WD hookup, patio ft curtains, $215 dost.

399-8384, NE. Immoculat 2 bdrm. Carpet 8, dropes. Appls adults only, $180. .1931983 S.

Salem, lge 2 bdrm Townhse, opplcs, gor deck, wood frplc, AC, 581 1412. 371 1867, 370-8357 1 bdrm In quiet Court SE. WO 1 disposal In each unit. Adults only, ny pets. 378-1847, 2 bdrm duplex, garage, DW, fenced yard, pets poss Call Dona.

371.653?. 363 1618. THE WILLOWS. Solem elect, large 1 barm n. larpei, otuuc, TTf 'li "9 Pfi vts mo- i7-77'' WASHER DRYER SAIEM ELECTRIC 2 bdrm.

Franklin stove, carport, Polio, yord, Infant OX. No pets. COS. Call 371-6845 or 371-3198 NFAP STATE fAPITm 1 bdrm. unfurn woppk, no pets, KEIZER SALEM ELECTRIC 1 Bdr Appliances Coble TV.

8180 depefund- Senlors will love this spoclous 2 bdrm aulet NE, walk to shopping, private yord for flowers, no NE TOWNHOUSE 2 bdrm both, oil oppls garage, Inside util. showtime. Call 371-1412, SH4l77tves. NICE aulet 2 Bdrm. condo So.

Pool, Washer, dryer, appls. A Jsji'or 362 2 bdrm. Range, retrig. Enclosed goroge. Water, sewer, garb.

pd. $195 dep. Adults only. ABSO-LUTELY NO PETS! 362 2676. 1 bdrm apt.

turn, carpeting, opals, WD occesabie, no pets. Adults, close on bus line. $185 per mo. 1SJ84J 2 Bdrm 4-plex. oppls carpet, dropes, carport.

$215 dpsts, no pets, 1538 Park Ave NE. 5812975. 378-7797, ATTRACTIVE-J bdrm duplex, 4-Corners. 1100 sa. ft.

gor, frplc. fenced yd, dropes 8. more, wiialNs SLiallkJillTLri Duplex Keller, Solem Elec 2 bdrm, carpeted, DW, dlsp WD hkup, cable TV 1 showtime, BeJlJJpen -Pork ing. IMMW PLANT LOVERS 1 bdrm duplex, atrium, Se res. neighborhood, 1 bik to snooping center.

$325. Coll 362-6575 2 Bdrm. Unfurn immaculate. All kitchen appliances including washer dryer, garage 1 child. Avon.

Feb t. 2 bdrm. Frplc, oopis. FREE Showtime Coble, laundry rm, carport. Keinf area.

$215. 39J8754 IN DALLAS. bdrm. 2 baths, gor, $245 tost. Corner A Denton.

Drive by 4 coll 33-0157, 6 to 8 tves. Spoclous 2 bdrm duplex, SE area, garage Woter 4 garbage pd. W40 hookup Adults, no pets. $270 per mo. 10Q deft 36449 Very clean 2 bdrm, attach, gor.

Inside til. rm, mcd yd, avail. I $260 81 3 bdrm duolex Bottiecreek SE. orea. WD hookups.

Goroge All opoM. incl Woter pd. No pets. Deluxe 2 bdrm. 2 yr duplex.

I') boths, full kitchen, goroge, prime SE location 8285me. Coll gHWSiteve Nice 2 bdrm. an etty bus, frplc. atl apples, drones, ww carpet, W'D hkup, gar pets. 987 tnJU FANTASTIC 2 large bdrm townhouse, appls a plenty, TV coble available, covered parking, very reasonable hent.

odults. $220. 371-3648, WEST SALEM 2 bdrm Townhouse, lge, clean, lVi bath. Inside utll. rm, DW, dlsp.

selt-cleon oven, Salem Elec $250. Cnll 588-2321. 393-5927 COUNTRY SETTING SOUTH Spoclous grounds, 3 bdrm, Irplc, l'i both, opplcs, pool, vacant, ref's, no pets. $285 dep. Call 581-8641 or 362 2948 W.SALEM.

CABLE TV Clean unlurn. I bdrm. Ouiel court. No stairs. Stove, retrig, toundry rm, Salem Elec.

Close to bus. 8150 dep. YOU'LL LOVE this chormlng 1 bdrm duplex unll. Prime SE location Dishwr, garbage disposal, woodburn'g earth stove, garage. Your choice-turn, or unfurn.

Ph. VERY NICE 1 bdrm duplex, spacious, fenced yd goroge welecl. door, laundry hookup, ample storoge, no pets, rets. Lease $270 or rent .290. 120 Brushwood CI.

SE. 364-1495 DELUXE 2 BDRM. NE New unll wgoroge. Appls, WO hookup, fully landscaped. $28S.

390-1073. eves 393-1612 STAYTON. BEAUTIFUL 2 BR Roomy. Washer dryer hookuo, DUPLEX I bdrm, close In south, new carpet 4 dropes, hkuo, garage, yard, no nets $225.2990807 SOUTH SALEM-S230 Dlx 2 bdrm wgar. WD hku.

odults, no pen. Bottiecreek area. 769 5032 Stvn (collect) KEIZER Near McNory Golf course, 2 bdrm, near bus 4 shopping, hkuP.DW. 3930339 WALK TO TOWN Furn 1 bdrm Trt-plex, owlet area, carpet, drps, water 4 garb, cor-nort 4 storqge, $l0 mgr 371-7318 QUIET 6-PIEX SO. Newer 1 bdrm, wJ closets Electric frpk, $17 ma.

371-811 W372, WHEATLAND ROAD APTS Beautiful, aulet I 4 I bdrm court oots. Te see. com to 68 78 yvhurllond Rd. N. Coll 393 4380 2 BDRM DUPLEX NE Close In en bus Mr, goroge, disposal, DW.

ronge. frig. WD hook-W $275 dep. 393-0547. 2 BDRM DUPLEX SI Gor.

kit aootcs. W4D hkue. frplc. carpet, dropes, cov patia, gdjjltins Jreti $22SJ6fc434? FOUR PLEX SOUTH bdrm, all kit. amies, frplc, hkuo, deck ft garage, no pets.

$745 me det. Days 581-5773 or 791 fit Hit, BTBI'tirr.

Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.